Jessy’s Journey

Exploring the art of balance in modern living

Life Path

Navigating work, life, kids and slowing down

I am a working mom of 5 young kids- from age 7 all the way down to my newborn. 10 years ago I became a veterinarian and joined the Army. Since then, I have had a busy and challenging career. My third child was born at the start of Covid when the world shut down. I got to experience staying home with 3 under 3 full time and realized that this is what my life was missing.

That summer we moved to Arizona where I completed a PhD in Pharmacology. I defended in April, had my 5th baby just 4 weeks later and now we are moving across the country to Maryland where I start my next job in the Army.

To say my life is busy would be an understatement. We always say it is pure chaos. Despite this, I want to give my children a slow childhood. I am on a journey of self discovery and simplifying life. I have been decluttering our home and our schedules, reading all the parenting books, meditating, journaling- anything to learn to let go, slow down, and be present. Follow along while I share what I have learned, tips to make your day run smoother, and how you can still slow down and enjoy life while juggling a fulfilling career!

 “Balance is a feeling derived from being whole and complete; it’s a sense of harmony. It is essential to maintaining quality in life and work.”

Joshua Osenga

Embrace simplicity, cultivate joy, and seek fulfillment.
Live Intentionally

The Art of Intentional Living

Balanced Chaos is a journey of mindful living, where harmony is found in the midst of chaos, guiding readers towards purposeful existence.

Jessy’s philosophy centers on intentional choices, embracing simplicity, and nurturing the soul and mind amid the chaos of modern life.

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